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 WENGLOR威格PNG SDHE智能一代補充了1N和1P外殼格式
wenglor的PNG SDHE智能一代光電傳感器比以往任何時(shí)候都更具有*的性能和通信組合。立即,對準的光軸和平衡的切換點(diǎn),以及大的切換距離和IO-Link 1.1的一致集成,使得新型光電傳感器的外殼格式為1P(50 x 50 x 20 mm)和1N(75 x 32.5 x 18 mm)。除此之外,包括高性能距離傳感器和反射光柵的產(chǎn)品系列正在補充兩個(gè)新的功能原則 - 總共七個(gè)。
PNG SDHE智能發(fā)電傳感器是目前市場(chǎng)上全面的工業(yè)4.0傳感器系列。有三種外殼形式(1K,1N和1P),以及七種功能原理和三種光源(紅色和藍色LED燈和紅色激光)可供選擇,幾乎任何非接觸式物體檢測應用都可以實(shí)現。因此,不僅可以實(shí)現靈活生產(chǎn)的自動(dòng)化產(chǎn)品轉換,一直到批量1的可能性,通過(guò)即插即用(通過(guò)數據存儲)實(shí)現增加的系統可用性的預測性維護和傳感器參數的自動(dòng)配置。
所有PNG SDHE智能傳感器始終配備IO-Link 1.1。這也可以通過(guò)PROFINET和EtherNet / IP?集成到現有的控制系統中。為所有用戶(hù)提供的特殊便利涉及使用應用程序進(jìn)行傳感器配置:NFC接口可通過(guò)近場(chǎng)通信輕松設置傳感器。此外,可以使用電位計,通過(guò)示教或直接在傳感器上的LED顯示屏調整設置。
新的1P和1N外殼格式在性能方面也非常有說(shuō)服力:具有背景抑制和1N外殼格式的反射傳感器的上限范圍為1200 mm,通過(guò)光束傳感器檢測距離遠60 m的物體。具有1P外殼格式的對射式傳感器的區別在于遠20米的范圍。傳感器是多功能的,可用作開(kāi)關(guān)或測量設備,由于采用WinTec技術(shù),它們不會(huì )相互干擾。該系列產(chǎn)品采用多種連接技術(shù):可選擇通過(guò)M8x1或M12x1插頭連接,或通過(guò)電纜連接,所有傳感器都可以理想地集成到任何系統中。

PNG//smart Generation Supplemented with 1N and 1P Housing Formats


To a greater extent than ever before, wenglor’s PNG//smart generation of photoelectronic sensors is being distinguished by a unique combination of performance and communication. As of immediately, an aligned optical axis and a balanced switching point, as well as large switching distances and consistent integration of IO-Link 1.1, are resulting in a new class of optoelectronic sensors in housing formats 1P (50 x 50 x 20 mm) and 1N (75 x 32.5 x 18 mm). Beyond this, the product range including high-performance distance sensors and reflex light barriers is being supplemented with two new functional principles – for a total of seven.

PNG//smart generation sensors are currently the most comprehensive range of Industry 4.0 sensors available on the market. With three housing formats (1K, 1N and 1P), as well as seven functional principles and a selection of three light sources (red and blue LED light and red laser light), nearly any application for contactless object detection can be implemented. And thus not only are automated product changeovers for flexible production all the way down to lot size 1 made possible, predictive maintenance for increased systems availability and automated configuration of sensor parameters thanks to plug & play (via data storage) can also be implemented.
All PNG//smart sensors are consistently equipped with IO-Link 1.1. And this makes integration into existing control systems via PROFINET and EtherNet/IP™ possible as well. A special convenience provided to all users involves the use of an app for sensor configuration: the NFC interface makes it easy to set up the sensors by means of near field communication. Furthermore, settings can be adjusted using a potentiometer, by means of teach-in or at the LED display directly on the sensor.
The new 1P and 1N housing formats are also highly convincing where performance is concerned: whereas the reflex sensors with background suppression and 1N housing format have an upper range limit of 1200 mm, the through-beam sensors detect objects at distances of up to 60 m. The through-beam sensors with 1P housing format are distinguished by a range of up to 20 m. The sensors are multifunctional and can be used as either switching or measuring devices, and thanks to WinTec technology they don’t interfere with each other. The series is rounded out by diverse connection technology: optionally connectable via M8x1 or M12x1 plug, or with cable, all of the sensors can be ideally integrated into any system.




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